Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 18 - Email

On Tuesday, I had a really hard day. I just felt like giving up again because of the Spanish. I just feel like I'm never going to get it. I never understand anything in the lesson and am so slow when I give it. After I gave my lesson, I started to cry. I was just so overwhelmed. Then we went to Tuesday Night Devotional. The speaker was Richard G. Scott! Let me just say that his talk was exactly what I needed to hear. It was about prayer. He said, "When we get no answer, it shows God's trust. He trusts us to move on with our own righteous choices." He said that our choice to be a missionary will bless our lives eternally, in our homes, in our choices, in our life. He then gave an apostolic blessings on the missionaries in attendance. He said in the blessing, "Be thankful that God sometimes lets you struggle before your answer. You grow in character, you grow faith. He will do whatever He can to restore your confidence in Him. Never feel that you are unworthy to pray. Prayer is gratitude. Nothing offends God more than being ungrateful." He then blessed the missionaries and sat down. We sang a song and a sister came up to say the prayer. Elder Scott got back up and shooed her away. He said that he needed to say something else. He said, "Remember the Lord has called you to succeed, not to fail. He will not abandon you. He has given you this opportunity to find out things about yourself that you have never known. Remember that you have been called. He will fit your abilities to the tasks. Heavenly Father knows who we are, what we need, and who we will become." And then Elder Scott sat down and we had the prayer. Amazing! We were all in tears that night as we shared what we got out of the devotional. So after this, I felt so much better! On Wednesday my companion and I taught the two best lessons we have probably ever taught.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love what Elder Scott said. We could all use that as we go through struggles in life.
